Due to scheduling conflicts there will not be a Spring Season of MMKRS. This will now be a Fall
event. Stay Tuned for dates.
The Move Movement Kid’s Running Series is a set of 4 races held at Barboursville Park on Sunday afternoons for kids age 2 up to 4th graders. The goal of the MMKRS is to make running fun! We want to provide an enjoyable outlet for kids to release some energy and get their bodies moving.
Races will run on a rolling schedule beginning at 3:30pm. Boys and girls will race separately by age group. Race distances increase with age and kids will run longer in the second half of the season. See chart at bottom of page for race distances.
Races will be run in the grass or turf. Kids should wear tennis shoes. Spikes / cleats are not allowed.
RACE LOCATION: All races for 2025 will be held at Barboursville Park on the turf soccer fields. The address is 6099 Booten Creek Rd, Barboursville, WV 25504.
REGISTRATION: Registration cost for the series is $40. This covers all 4 events and includes a Running Series t-shirt, bib number, goody bag, race medal (after completion), and post-race snack bags. You can choose to run individual weeks for $12 per week. If you choose the individual race option, you will receive a post-race snack bag and bib number. There are no refunds, deferments, or registration transfers. Register by March 22nd to guarantee a t-shirt. The event caps at 145 participants. Register asap to reserve your child's spot.
Three ways to register:
1. Online with a small fee: https://runsignup.com/Race/WV/Barboursville/KidsRunningSeries
2. In person at either shop
3. Print registration form and mail with payment to 3591 US Route 60 Huntington, WV 25705
Parents/Guardians must stay with their child throughout the event. You may not drop off your child and leave.
WEATHER POLICY: Races will continue in the rain but will be postponed in the event of inclement weather including but not limited to thunder, lightning, tornado, or flooding. You will be notified of the weather plan at least 1 hour before the event via email and Facebook. If a race is postponed, it will be held on the next Sunday at the same time. Here's the link to our Facebook page for the most up to date information: https://www.facebook.com/MoveMovementKRS.
Goody bag and bib number pickup will be held at Robert’s Running and Walking Shop (3591 US Route 60 Huntington, WV 25705) on the Saturday before the first race as well as on race afternoon between 2:30-3:15pm. Athletes who want to sign up for individual races can do so on race day from 2:30-3:15pm.
As mentioned above, the races will be run on a rolling schedule. The races begin at 3:30pm. Listen for the announcement for your child to gather in the pre-race meeting area. This is where the kids will warm up and get ready for their race. After the race, limited drinks and snacks will be provided for the athletes.
SPECIAL DATES: The Tiny Tot Trot is on Week Three! The race is 20 yards and is for kids under the age of two. The Tiny Tot Trot is free of charge and offers no official timing or awards.
This event would not be possible without the gracious help of our race partners!
Peoples Bank
Wholi Moli
Pulp Juice & Smoothie Bar
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: This event will take lots of help from awesome, enthusiastic volunteers. Middle school, High school, and College students, we are happy to sign for community service hours. Email kathleensmith266@gmail.com if you would like to volunteer.
Didn't answer your question here? Email Kat at kathleensmith266@gmail.com.
Below is the chart for each age division and their race distance. Race distances increase with age and kids will run longer in the second half of the season.